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Jim Robinson
Associate Professor Emeritus
Office: ART 236Phone: 250.807.9410
Email: jim.robinson@ubc.ca

Research Summary
Virtue Ethics and Applied Ethics. My conference presentations focus on healthcare ethics. My articles, mainly concerning Plato, appear in Phronesis, Journal of Philosophical Research, Teaching Philosophy, and Journal of Military Ethics.
Courses & Teaching
PHIL 230: Ethics and PHIL 435: Environmental Ethics
Jim Robinson received his BA (Honours) from Brock University and his MA and PhD from the University of Waterloo. He has taught at the University of Waterloo, Brock University, Concordia University, Okanagan University College and UBC Okanagan.
Favourite site for philosophy podcasts:
History of Philosophy without any gaps
Favourite online philosophy source:
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
PhD, University of Waterloo
MA, University of Waterloo
Research Interests & Projects
Current research focuses on virtue ethics as applied to institutions and the environment.
Selected Publications & Presentations
May, 2018 Is the Migration of Health Professionals from Lower- and Middle-income to Higher-income Countries Unjust?, Canadian Bioethics Society Annual Conference, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada.
May, 2017 Moral Courage in the Health Professions, Canadian Bioethics Society Annual Conference, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
May, 2015 Koch on the Hippocratic Oath; Canadian Bioethics Society Annual Conference, Winnipeg, Saskatchewan, Canada.
May, 2014 Hospital Virtues; Canadian Bioethics Society Annual Conference, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
Plato and the Virtues of Military Units. Journal of Military Ethics. Vol. 13.2 (2014): 190-202.
A Change in Plato’s Conception of the Good. Journal of Philosophical Research. 18 (1993): 231 -241.
Teaching the Allegory of the Cave. Teaching Philosophy. 15.4 (1992): 329 – 335.
The Nature of the Soul in Republic X. Journal of Philosophical Research. 16 (1991): 213 – 222.
The Tripartite Soul in the Timaeus. PHRONESIS-A JOURNAL FOR ANCIENT PHILOSOPHY. 35.1 (1990): 103 – 110.